الأربعاء، 8 أغسطس 2012

Forex, what is it?

1 التعليقات
Forex (Forex) a compound word from the first letters of the term (Foreign Exchange) means that the market is the exchange of world currencies. This depends on the market, government policy, speculators, central banks, banking companies, investors and other financial institutions. According to estimates, the volume of daily trading in the forex market is a $ 4 trillion a day, making the forex market the largest market for trading in the world. Characterized by the Forex market that is open for trading 5 days a week, 24 hours a day, which provides high flexibility in the times of trading is not bound or limited by a particular time zone It combines 3 swear trading different is the section European, Asian and American. Forex market is a market-based on the movement of currency pairs and profit potential available in the rise and fall.

In the past, limited the possibilities available to the trader in the forex market to go to commercial banking institutions that handle currency trading investment objectives or deliberative. But in 1971 has seen a tremendous rise in trading currencies circulating in the wake of the main countries of their currencies, and this step is considered by many the start of the Forex market today.

Nowadays, as well as importers and exporters who deal in Forex, there is a broad spectrum of participants in the activity of the market, including hedge funds, speculators, portfolio managers, retail traders. Each of the two motives for wanting to participate in the forex market. These range from mere motives of payment for goods, services through the hedge of the risk, even pure speculation.

Generally, it is pertinent Bmtdaol Forex retail uses that the market maker or mediator of the Forex. Choose to rolling the currency pair traded wishes to be saved, according to the revelation of his research and analysis. The role of Forex broker in the ever limited to the implementation of trading orders without interference and to give advice. In our time, many brokers provide advice and recommendations daily, and even research and analysis.

To make money in forex trader can buy a currency at a certain price in order to sell them later at a higher price (ie, the so-called long position) thus achieving a profit equal to the difference between the price it paid for the currency pair and the price received from the sale of the husband. The second way to make money is the so-called short position, sell any currency pair according to the current market price in the hope to buy again later at a cheaper price. These two processes Tmanha Forex severe excitement, everyone can profit from the market regardless of whether in the case of the rise or fall. To the extent that the trader is able to predict the direction in which the market is going, he can prepare himself to take advantage of market trends.
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شركة إيزى فوركس , شرح استراتيجية المجنون والاسكالبينج

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شرح استراتيجية المجنون والاسكالبينج

تعالوا نتعلم طريقة السكالبينج على شارت ال 5 دقائق للمجنون يعني ان شاء الله بنصير زي المنشار طالع رابح نازل رابح
نفتح شارت ال5 دقائق للمجنون ونضع المؤشر الذي يحدد نقاط الدعم والمقاومه وسيكون الشراء من مناطق الدعم والهدف اول منطقة مقاومه .

شركة إيزى فوركس استراتيجية المجنون

الخطوه الثانيه

اضافه مؤشر الاشارات للبيع والشراء ويتضح لدينا ظهور اشارة الشراء وهي السهم الازرق مع الدخول ايضا من الدعم وهو الخط الاصفر الصغير
انظروا الصوره
شركة إيزى فوركس استراتيجية المجنون

الخطوه الثالثه
لتأكيد الدخول هو بداية ظهور الموجة الزرقاء

شركة إيزى فوركس استراتيجية المجنون
الخطوه الرابعه

سنضيف مؤشر بيسط للزيج زاج لكنه غير تقليدي هو يمثل نهاية الموجه وموضح على الشارت بطريقة دوائر حمراء

شركة إيزى فوركس استراتيجية المجنون

الخطوه الخامسه

نضيف المؤشر الشهير ال wolf وهو يوضح نهاية او بداية كل موجه ومن عندها سيكون البيع او الشراء

شركة إيزى فوركس استراتيجية المجنون

الخطوه السادسه

اضافه مؤشر يخبرك بأماكن البيع والشراء المناسبه مع تحديد الاهداف بناء على هذه المؤشرات وهي موجوده على يسار الشارت في الجزء العلوي باللون الابيض
شركة إيزى فوركس استراتيجية المجنون

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The focal point in Forex: What, How and calculate how trading of reward?

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The focal points (Pivot Point), or as some call the focal points or points of orbit or turning points, of the common indicators used by traders in the Forex markets. Especially for traders daily, but it is losing some of their importance to traders in the longer time frames. The main reason which gives the focal points of high popularity is that it is a quick way to determine support and resistance potential in the market.

Potential areas to find points of support and resistance based on the idea of ​​freely volatility is expected in the pair, has historically had begun in the "dig" futures contracts as a quick way to search for opportunities to open and close deals during the deliberative session. There are people who are discovering the focal point on the long-term time frames, but every time you meet, it is almost always on the agenda short frame. In fact, there is a short-term traders do not use only the focal points.

Some platforms support the focal points that have been used, but a deliberative platform not supported, you can easily calculated and put in place. For traders of you who use the platform "MetaTrader 4" (MT4), there is a lot of indicators that are available for installation on the forums deployed in the Internet, which will calculate these points automatically, and some brokers also provide the tools you this.

How do you calculate the focal point?
Pivot levels are calculated using 3 types of information from the previous day deliberative:

The highest price.
The lowest price.
Closing price.
It is clear that in order to find the high price and low and closing price of the previous day, all you have to do is to look at the candle from the previous session. Many of the traders put the focal point of these three prices on shorter time frames, such as spreadsheets and time tables fifteen minutes. Can be focal points that will tell you when the market falls and changes direction with a short period of other traders to follow them for the near future.

For the calculation of the focal points of this, you should use the following equation:

The focal point = (yesterday's high + close yesterday + yesterday's low) / 3
Resistance 1 = point (fulcrum × 2) - a decrease of yesterday.
Support 1 = point (fulcrum × 2) - high yesterday.
Point Resistance 2 = focal point + (yesterday's high - yesterday's low).
Support 2-point fulcrum = - (high yesterday - yesterday's low).
These areas of possible support and resistance during short-term markets, which could guide the deliberative today. Often, traders will always use something like candles in order to confirm the reactions that can occur when these areas as well.

As can be seen how these points can be regarded as "instructions" good direction with respect to which it is possible to move the market and have a reaction towards him. But, that is referred to as the focal point should be part of the system, and not the whole system.
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What are the expectations for the price of gold in 2012?

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Note that the fluctuations in the stock continue to exist permanently, and especially in the midst of earnings season. But fluctuations in the price of gold has subsided. In 99.9% of cases, the approach taken in the bottom - the top in investment. I personally do I ignore the macroeconomic picture of most of the time, and I am ignoring the speakers on the TV, and also ignore the peaks and valleys of the tendencies, and focus on the companies. Focus on opportunities, and focus on value and growth, and then hunt the fearful sellers, investors who are afraid at every decline in the market. I attachment and large companies at low prices and watch the returns and is flowing. This is the reason that my favorite time of year is the month of August and September and October - months disasters broad market. Now, this command on the vast majority of the market. And one of the few exceptions is the price of gold.

The case with gold reflected completely. Investment is from top to bottom, where its value is tied in the overall economy. The addition to your posture when declines - as now - and take advantage when ascending.

During the month of August, the price of gold bounced back from the $ 1.900 an ounce. Today, hovering around $ 1.590. This nearly falling by about 16%, any discount by 16%.

Many people believe that the days full of luster on the new heights of gold are over. And may have heard claims that the price of gold will reach $ 1.100, and so that it will drop down to $ 700 ... But I ignore these extremists. Will tell you something, we may see the price of gold drops to lower levels - this is possible;, but many of these Altdeghin forget that the price of gold is also a seasonal, despite the fact that this season is not clear like any other commodity prices lighter.

If the truth is, we are in the process of seasonal downward within what I think is the biggest wave upward. We stopped in the case - the pattern of retention, or rest, and have seen this same stop since April to July of last year, when welding the price of gold and about $ 1.500 down $ 1.400 to the level of some of the times.

In fact, during the past five centuries, gold prices weakened from mid-February until the summer, and again in the month of October. The largest gains are in the period of November to the beginning of February, the annual movement of the mouse before you buy the Asian high.

You will notice that the volatility in the stock continues to stray on a permanent basis, and we especially amid earnings season, but the volatility in the price of gold has subsided. And gone are the days when moving the price by $ 150 per ounce. Now, the movement is large, which are between 30 and 40 $. And most of the days movement might be less than that.

The months of November and December of the strongest months for gold. But this year we had a U.S. presidential election in November, and continues in macro-economic picture of being weak. We are still concerned about Europe. Greece is a small problem compared to what is revealed in Spain, and Spain had negligible compared to the situation in Italy.

If the dominoes started falling, the end of the experience of large euro will move the discussion of the fun during the dinner to a very large probability.

I expect to go through six months before the last big rise in the price of gold. And $ 2,000 for gold looks much more prominent figures of the triglycerides. Select your area during the next six months, and expect the high price of gold in the latter half of the year. Of course, at least, you should have your investments by 5% in precious metals such as gold.
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