The case with gold reflected completely. Investment is from top to bottom, where its value is tied in the overall economy. The addition to your posture when declines - as now - and take advantage when ascending.
During the month of August, the price of gold bounced back from the $ 1.900 an ounce. Today, hovering around $ 1.590. This nearly falling by about 16%, any discount by 16%.
Many people believe that the days full of luster on the new heights of gold are over. And may have heard claims that the price of gold will reach $ 1.100, and so that it will drop down to $ 700 ... But I ignore these extremists. Will tell you something, we may see the price of gold drops to lower levels - this is possible;, but many of these Altdeghin forget that the price of gold is also a seasonal, despite the fact that this season is not clear like any other commodity prices lighter.
If the truth is, we are in the process of seasonal downward within what I think is the biggest wave upward. We stopped in the case - the pattern of retention, or rest, and have seen this same stop since April to July of last year, when welding the price of gold and about $ 1.500 down $ 1.400 to the level of some of the times.
In fact, during the past five centuries, gold prices weakened from mid-February until the summer, and again in the month of October. The largest gains are in the period of November to the beginning of February, the annual movement of the mouse before you buy the Asian high.
You will notice that the volatility in the stock continues to stray on a permanent basis, and we especially amid earnings season, but the volatility in the price of gold has subsided. And gone are the days when moving the price by $ 150 per ounce. Now, the movement is large, which are between 30 and 40 $. And most of the days movement might be less than that.
The months of November and December of the strongest months for gold. But this year we had a U.S. presidential election in November, and continues in macro-economic picture of being weak. We are still concerned about Europe. Greece is a small problem compared to what is revealed in Spain, and Spain had negligible compared to the situation in Italy.
If the dominoes started falling, the end of the experience of large euro will move the discussion of the fun during the dinner to a very large probability.
I expect to go through six months before the last big rise in the price of gold. And $ 2,000 for gold looks much more prominent figures of the triglycerides. Select your area during the next six months, and expect the high price of gold in the latter half of the year. Of course, at least, you should have your investments by 5% in precious metals such as gold.