Fawaz Al Abdali - already - Mecca: At Moatamer Bangladeshi died last night of his wounds dangerous down Mount Ajyad dam, while trying to up the mountain, where it was thought that the Mountain of Light, was received by his family the body after the completion of the police station Ajyad investigations and evidenced by the lack of suspicion criminalin death.
The processes for help had received this morning a tip from a number of passers-benefit Bosoarham the deceased person and dressed Ihram down Mount Ajyad dam, and immediately moved the security of the site was transferred the deceased to the morgue, started to police station Ajyad investigations into the incident and reveal them during that the body back to the pilgrims Bangladeshi citizenship interview access to Mecca coming from his country.
And confirmed the police investigation that pilgrims climb the mountain in a late night last night, which he thinks is the Mountain of Light, but it is unbalanced as it continues to rise for the likes of the Earth has been hit with a number of rocks, the throes of his wounds and severe injuries that he sustained.
The body was handed over to his family this afternoon after police investigations and collect evidence official about the incident and they are free of any criminal suspicion.