Revealed Russia, on Tuesday, all the mystery remained its reserves since the seventies of the last century, a "secret Massey" in every sense of the word, and shortening of the reserves size trillions of carats diamonds rare fall asleep under the nozzle most recently bumping an asteroid before 35 million years, a enough to meet the diverse needs of the world of diamonds for more than 3000 years.

Asteroid who came all the breath of life in Eastern Siberia latest where diameter hole 99 kilometers and stayed without a study, that scientists began "Institute Novosibirsk of Geology and Mineralogy," studied 50 years ago almost, and named it Popigai Astroblem famous, and discovered beneath reserves astronomical of diamonds Nader is completely unknown.
And تكتمت authorities of the Soviet Union defunct on "News Diamond" did not allow extraction of only carats specific studies and tests that proved them to MAS "Bobegay" stronger than double any diamond known in the market, making it ideal for industrial uses and scientific, which is kind of formed raw materials from bumping asteroid a field of diamonds already exists on the ground and at high speed.
And the statement issued by Nikolai Buquelenko, director of "Institute Novosibirsk" geological, that could precautions field diamond old - new influence on the type of movement markets world diamond "Although the main customers for this type of diamond harsh are the companies and scientific institutes," he said.
Nikolai said that diamonds present in the field, "ten times larger than all of the world's reserves at the same time", pointing out that it "trillions Alkirarat" according to his assertion, which means that Massa in Cedar wealth tonnes to Russia billions each year.
As Gennady Nikitin, a deputy director of the "Institute of sapphire diamond Nyibrom" Russian also, Vnnbh that the new discovery could affect diamond prices, "but we do not know how prices will be in the market if it entered sparklers superior rigidity," according to his assertion.